May 23, 2010

Your heart is my piñata.

Chuck Palahniuk

May 20, 2010

May 18, 2010

Fun things playing in American Apparel yesterday. Directed to AA audio network Viva Radio.
So good for the ears! Listen!

And looky at this contributor:
'Don't you wish you was in Amsterdam' -

May 16, 2010

May 13, 2010

When love absorbs. War! War! The tympanum.
A sail! A veil awave upon the waves.
When first he saw. Alice!
Full tup. Full throb.
Warbling. Ah, lure! Alluring.

Martha! Come!
Clapclop. Clipclap. Clappyclap.
Goodgod henev erheard inall.
A moonlight nightcall: far: far.
I feel so sad. P. S. So lonely blooming.

The spiked and winding cold seahorn. Have you the? Each and
For other plash and silent roar.
Pearls: when she. Liszt's rhapsodies. Hissss.

Crystal Castles (James Joyce)

May 12, 2010

May 7, 2010

Cinnamon, warm oatmeal, dried mushroom, creme anglaise and splashes of spilled merlot.

(Nora Baldenweg, Rodarte AW10)

May 6, 2010